Thursday, December 4, 2008

something to think about

yesterday, for some reason, i found myself looking at baby naming website. this site also had lists of celebrities and their real names. it was so bizarre. Like, you can change your name and all of a sudden you're a different person. maybe. idk- are you? I cannot image Jenna Fisher (Pam from the office) being called Regina. ew. weird. Hannah Dakota Fanning. Hulk Hogans name is terry for fucks sake! terry! a name has so much to do with how we are perceived, is it really fair to choose your own? and if you do choose your own, how do you pick? I thought about what i would pick, but I'm not sure how it would be perceived or how someone could seriously ask people to start calling them something different unless they moved to a new town or some shit. even still. Isn't it just a little pretentious? and is it less worse to just go by your middle name? i mean, it is still a part of your name...never the less, i thought about what kind of name i would choose for myself if a situation arose that needed it (i dont know, maybe i'll have to join witness protection). then, of course, i googled it. others did indeed have that name. this person already exists. i thought of a name out of nowhere and shes out there, more than one of her at that! this shit really blows my mind sometimes. the Internet is crazy. i saw the variations of what this person could look like, what their lives are like. am i this person too? if i take on this name will i become her or does she become me? here she(s) is:

this girl is from virgina but she lives in alaska. this picture was taken at her senior prom. her prom dress is denim. i think its a few years old.

this is also her. she lives in davenprt, ia. it also seems to be from some kind of dance....

this one got married and stuck her husbands name onto hers. i dont know where shes from, but still, they all have some thing in common that i dont. whats in a name? if i had that name would i get that too? what was that shakespeare thing about a rose? what about barack obama. not to beat a dead a horse, i know were all burnt out from this election shit, but seriously- what if his name were some thing like, richard smith? would it have been easier from him to get where he is? would it be harder? would he be a different person? what about if he grew up as barack and then changed it to richard? then what? if i change my name will i get where i want?
oh man this is has gone was to far

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